
What you can do with broadcasts

Add free high quality images from Pixabay to your templates Send over any postal route created in the backend Use ...

Create a Broadcast

Go to messages -> broadcasts in the site navigation. On th ...

Broadcast Settings

Give your broadcast a name, only you will see this. ...

Choosing your email composer

Three options for creating your email message Our responsive drag-and-drop composer, WYSIWYG edit ...

Augment your subject line with a preheader

Augment your subject line with a preheader T ...

Adding your recipients

You can send your broadcast to an unlimited combination of contact lists, segments, and tagged contacts. ...

Schedule your Broadcast

By default your broadcast will be saved as a draft until you' ...

Resend to non-openers automation

Resend this broadcast Click ...

Broadcast Reporting

Go to messages -> broadcasts from the site navigation ...

Duplicate a broadcast

Click on a broadcast Actions button and select duplicate. ...

Tag contacts who Open your broadcast

Not all of your clickers are openers - Track Both! An overlooked or misunderstood aspect of trac ...

Resume an incomplete broadcast

To resume a broadcast that was interrupted or incomplete 1. Make a segment and Select "Message Engagement" from the ad ...

Export Broadcast Openers & Unsubscribes

Data Export Export a zip file containing the openers, clickers, unsubscribes, and feedback loop comp ...

Cancel a broadcast

Cancel a broadcast The most reliable way to cancel a broadcast is to purge broadcast mail from the bac ...

Cancel a broadcast funnel trigger

Method one Click the action button on a broadcast, select "Update", this ...

Revise tagging and funnel triggers for sent broadcasts

Click "Update" in the Actions button on the broadcast page.