Ultimate Facebook And Social Media Blueprint

  1. Overview
  2. Social marketing tips
  3. Ultimate Facebook And Social Media Blueprint


Hey there!

Social media should be the main ingredient of any marketing strategy. While some marketing techniques may get a bit expensive, this one is free and may bring you big profits.

Creating a Facebook Page allows more than 2 billion people on Facebook to discover your business.

And as small business owners and brand managers, there’s a very good chance you’ll be able to reach and connect with your target audience through Facebook.

With this in mind, we’ve tried to put together a one-stop Blueprint, so you’ll have everything you need to optimize any Facebook page (your own or your client’s).

Without further ado, let’s review some of the most important actionable tips that you need to know when creating and managing a Facebook Page.

Create a business Page, not a personal profile

The first thing you need to do is ​creating a business Page​, not a personal profile, to r​ epresent your brand.​ Business pages look similar to personal profiles, but they include unique tools for businesses, brands, and organizations.

It will not only m​ aximize Facebook’s business potential​ for you but it's against Facebook's Terms of Service​ to use a personal account to represent something other than that person, like a business.

But remember, create a Page, not a personal profile - Otherwize most of the tips featured below will not be applicable.

Choose the right page name

Choosing the right name for your ​Facebook business page​ is the first key to success.

When it comes to correct optimization, it is fundamental to find the right name for your Facebook Business Page because you choose it once and it is permanent. It’s very important to remember that ​the first word of your Facebook page title will be the most significant in the eyes of Google.

Enable a custom URL or “username”

A ​custom URL ​matching your business name is a ​must​ when optimizing your Facebook page. This might seem like an obvious step but it is quite easy to overlook.

So don’t just settle for the dynamic URL that will be automatically generated when you sign up.​ On Facebook, you can easily personalize your address with your brand name.

Make it unique and easy to remember

Matching your Facebook vanity URL with your page’s title is going to s​ trengthen your brand recognition.​ This means it will be easier for people to remember your name.

Work on Your Page Details

Add a profile picture.​ It’s much more important than your cover image because it will accompany every page update.

Pick a profile picture that will be easy for visitors to recognize​, like your company logo,​ or a headshot of yourself if you're a solopreneur or consultant. Being recognizable is important​ for getting found and liked, especially in Facebook Search.

Cover photo. T​ he cover photo appears across the top of your page and is ​a g​ reat opportunity to deliver a visual element​ that supports your branding, that draws attention, or spark emotion from your visitors.

It’s also a nice way to make your page more noticeable.

If you happen to upload an image that isn’t quite the exact dimensions of the Facebook cover photo, you can reposition the image to fit the available window.

Once you have uploaded your Facebook Page’s profile and cover photo, you’ll be brought to your ​newly-created Facebook Page.

Fill out your profile

Makesurethatyourphoto,coverphoto,bioandprofileinfoare​completea​ nd contain up-to-date information. A​ complete profile will reveal that you have a professional attitude​ and is a clear signal to your audience that you are engaged.

Your "​ About" section​ is one of the first places people will look when they arrive on your Page. A preview of it is located on the left-hand side of your page beneath your profile picture, and people can also navigate to the full section by clicking on the "About" tab at the top of your page.

Yourvisitorswillwanttoknowa​ llthedetailsaboutyourbusiness:​likewhere your office is located, what services you offer and what are your working hours.

Addingyoura​ ddress​willalsohelpFacebookindexyourbusinessfor​localsearch.​ Andwillalsomakeiteasierforl​ocalsearches​ tofindyourbusinesspage.

So you need to provide them with the complete information.


Facebook Messenger​ is another great way to show off how well your business is willing to provide great service and support.

On Messenger your consumers can connect with you ​so it’s a great way to create ​meaningful relationships​ with your customers, enabling users to contact or message you directly through your Page.

Ifyou’rewillingtoimplementthisstep,y​ oumusthaveastrategy​.

You need to consider ​how quickly​ you can respond to your messages. Your responsiveness rate will appear on your page and it will show how efficient you are at responding to customer inquiries.

And if you’re concerned about someone reaching out while you’re offline or unavailable to respond, there is no need to worry. Facebook has expanded the Business Page Messenger to now support 24/7 customer service and responsiveness.

Pin Important Posts to the Top of Your Page

Pinning an important post to the top of your Facebook page lets you spotlight that post and boost visibility.

To do so just click the arrow in the upper-right corner of the post and select ​Pin to Post from the drop-down menu.

Pin posts that are time-sensitive,​ such as posts promoting upcoming events or contests with deadlines.

Spotlight your top content​. If you’ve put a lot of effort into creating one piece of really awesome content like a blog post or ebook, consider giving it some extra love with a pinned post.

Also you can feature content you’ve produced in partnership with other companies.

Use keywords strategically on your Facebook page

Keyword optimization​ remains crucial, even when it comes to social media. You can optimize your Facebook business page for SEO by placing Keywords in strategic areas of your page.

Some of the essential areas to use keywords include your title page, URL, and the ‘About Us’ section.This will make your page to appear top in search results hence improving your findability.

However, you need to make sure that you do not overuse keywords: stick to a top six and mention them naturally in the proper context.

Leveraging the Power of Backlinks

Backlinks are another crucial element of your Facebook Page SEO optimization.

The fact that authority sources link back to your content is a strong indicator that your content is relevant and valuable. Google likes it when multiple trustworthy sources vouch for the reputation and value of your website.

Don’t forget that backlinks from random sources can hurt your reputation and rankings.

When it comes to Facebook, it’s important to state that although it’s hard to build links which would point to your Page, it’s not impossible.

It’s a good idea to use an influencer marketing platform to research and connect with influencers who would be willing to offer you guest posting opportunities and include the links to your Facebook content and custom tabs in their blog posts.

This method will help you boost the popularity and credibility of your Facebook Page, as well as generate quality traffic.

Add Custom Tabs

You don’t have to restrict yourself to the generic Facebook tabs like About, Videos, or Events. As you start filling your Page with content, it will grow and expand which is great.

On the other hand, a large Facebook Page can make it difficult for your followers to find your posts, images, videos, or reviews.

To make users lives easier, create new custom tabs such as Videos, Posts, Photos, Reviews, Community, and Podcasts, and organize your page based on these categories. You can also remove the tabs that you don’t use to declutter your page.

As a result, your Facebook Page will be easier to navigate. Your audience will be able to quickly find relevant information through both Facebook and search en

Encouraging Engagement

Naturally, encouraging your followers to take action is why you created your business Page in the first place.

But if you don’t include a clear and visible call-to-action in your content, your audience won’t know exactly what you want them to do. Plus, you won't be able to drive valuable traffic from Facebook to your website which can improve your search rankings.

The CTA copy should match the purpose of your business, while the button itself should be aligned with the destination page. This means that if your CTA says “Download eBook”, your prospects should be redirected to the page containing the file.

It’s important to use action words, such as subscribe, download, sign up, book now, play video, or learn more. These can be paired with mentioning the outcome of the action – for example, "Sign up and generate more traffic.

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