How to Connect and Disconnect Review Platforms?

  1. Overview
  2. Godzilla Review
  3. Review Platforms
  4. How to Connect and Disconnect Review Platforms?

Here, Businesses can Connect new review platforms, Disconnect any of the connected review platforms and add a Custom review platform if you are unable to find your platform to fetch reviews.


Connected Review Platform

Shows all your connected review platforms from where reviews are being fetched/collected.



Connect New Review Platform

Find the desired review platform from over 50+ review platforms by simply searching the platform in the search box and easily connect it in just one click by adding a profile URL of the review platform. Hold on for some minutes and the connected platform reviews will be fetched into your account.

Custom Review Platform



If you are unable to find your review platform then click on 'Custom link' (at the bottom of the page) will show a popup with fillable fields. Add all details regarding your custom review platform and click the 'Submit' button.


Disconnect Review Platform



You can Disconnect any of the connected review platforms, by simply clicking on the 'delete icon' located on the top right side of the individual connected review platform box.

After clicking, a popup will appear which will show a warning 'Are you sure you still want to disconnect Google(or any other platform name)?'. If you are sure to disconnect this account, then click on the 'Disconnect' button.

Disconnected review platform will be permanently removed from the 'connected' area and all collected reviews from this review platform will be permanently removed, also you won't be able to get the reviews from your customers at this review platform.

Later, you can add the disconnected review platform back in the future if you decide to use that review platform to collect reviews from your customers.


Finding difficulty connecting your 'Google' account using the Google My Business feature, read this help center article: How to connect Google My Business account within Grab Your Reviews platform.


Congratulations! You are on your way to acquiring more reviews for your business!

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