
How to trigger an automation flow on calendar appointments?

Steps to trigger an automation flow on calendar appointments Change the flow trigger. Please, open the flow editor and click on the right hamburger icon If you have existing t ...

How to trigger a flow by calendar appointment?

Steps to trigger a flow by calendar appointment Create a contact flow Load the flow builder Navigate to the flow builder by clicking the “Flows” on the left side men ...

How to get the calendar link and the integration link also?

Steps to get the calendar link Please, navigate to the ‘Calendar’ link on the left menu bar And click on the Settings gear icon Here, you will get the links of cal ...

How to add buffer time between the meetings?

First, you need to click on Calendar from the left bar menu then click on the setting icon. You can set buffer time in the setting option as you want.

How to Delete Calendar events?

Click on calendar. Select your event , you want to delete. Press delete icon. And delete your event.

How to set calendar availability in HubIQ?

First, you need to click on Calendar from the left bar menu then click on the setting icon. Set Business hours here. Save the business hour / Availability time.

How to set zoom meeting link in calendar?

First, you need to click on Calendar from the left bar menu then click on Booker. Select Meeting Invite Setting and from setting select custom option and paste meeting link. Und ...

How you can add a booker ?

First, you need to click on Calendar from the left bar menu then click on the Bookers option. Select Create New option to create new Booker.

How to create recurring events in Calendar?

Click on calender, Select your desire booker. Click on meeting event option, Enable events option and click on + icon. From here you can check this repeat option.

How to change booker name in calendar ?

First, you need to click on Calendar from the left bar menu then click on edit button. Here you can change name. Click save button and done.

How to create new Booker in Calendar?

First, you need to click on Calendar from the left bar menu then click on the Bookers option. Select Create New option to create new Booker. Set Booker setting here. Save Book ...