Opt-In Forms

What you can do with forms

Show different form designs depending on whether the visitor is on mobile or desktop Popups Slide outs ...

Create an opt-in form

Go to integrate -> forms from the site navigation Click cr ...

Sending to double opt-in contacts

docs in progress

Choosing your form type: floating bars, lightboxes,inline naked embedded, slide outs

Click the design tab, then click the "Type" dropdown above the drag & drop form canvas to choose the type of form you want to create ...

Adding email and name input boxes to your form

Drag and drop the input component from the left sidebar onto the canvas ...

Exit intent and display rules

The display tab is where you Enable exit intent Set a timer for how long to wait before ...

Setting the size of your form

Your forms size will be determined by the width you configure under settings and how much content you add to your formHello forms and mobile optimized forms typic ...

Configuring your mobile width

You can design entirely different forms and form styles for desktop and mobile visitors. Click the tabs to alternate between the two versions of your form ...

Configuring how your form displays on mobile devices

If you're like most websites, the vast majority of your visitors are viewing your site on their phone. If you're not showi ...

Add a close window X to your form

Click the settings tab next to compose, and select the "Show close button" check box. This will make an X appear in the to ...

Adding a "No" button that closes your form

Your visitors are trained to automatically reach for the X in the upper right on things popping up all day long every day to close whatever is "in the way", exiti ...

Tag subscribers who opt-in to your form

Click on the contacts tab and enter your tags in the input box, hit the enter key after you've finished typing the name of each tag to create it ...

Adding "no thanks" text which closes your form

You can make your form dismiss/form close button appear to the visitor as text instead of a button. ...

View your form conversion rate

Click on the statistics tab in your form to see your views, conversions, and conversion rate for desktop, mobile, and tablet

Adding your form to your website

Click on the embed widget on the far right of the page Click ...

Connect an existing form to your account

If your have your own form implementation you're satisfied with on your website you can connect it to your account by clicking on the connect tab. ...

Add opt-in subscribers to an automated email sequence

Click on the contacts tab and select the email funnels drop down ...